An Introduction


A close friend convinced me to start this after she observed me bumbling around a project in an interesting way. So, that's what this will be. Generally bumbling around and documenting it.

A bit about me. I still consider myself a software engineer, though I do a lot less of that and a lot more of telling other people how to do it. That's not really true. I'm a manager, but I definitely don't tell engineers how to do their jobs. I try to guide them to make the right the decisions, but ultimately the decisions are theirs - I just handle the consequences. But I digress, we can talk about management another day.

I should be more honest here. I manage managers. So I'm even more detached from the day to day. Most of my coding happens in my spare time or those moments in startup life when there's no one to do a task that needs to be done. Which I suppose is often enough.

I have some background in machine learning and artificial intelligence research, but nowhere near enough to call myself a "researcher". Mostly just things I did in grad school and work.

From an engineering perspective, I am mostly a brute. I prototype quickly and get to a working solution through sheer force of will. In my ideal world, I would hand off my prototypes to others to productionize my code, but I would feel too much guilt towards those who would inherit my messes.

I also hate writing. So I do this begrudgingly. But I'm told it's good for me. So here we are.